sqlsb.append(" select * from (");
sqlsb.append("select count(*) from (");
sqlsb.append("select bb.datetime datetime, sum(decode(bb.typevalue, '新入金', bb.inits, 0.0)) as inits1, " +
" sum(decode(bb.typevalue, '还款本金', bb.inits, 0.0)) as inits2, " +
" sum(decode(bb.typevalue, '赎回金额', bb.inits, 0.0)) as inits3, " +
" sum(decode(bb.typevalue, '借款金额', bb.inits, 0.0)) as inits4, " +
" sum(decode(bb.typevalue, '历史空闲资金', bb.inits, 0.0)) as inits5 from (select to_char(t.start_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') datetime, " +
" sum(t.amount) inits, '新入金' typevalue from p2p_investment_capitalinfo t where t.type = 02 " +
" and t.status in (01, 02, 03) group by to_char(t.start_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') " +
" union all select to_char(t.create_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') datetime, sum(t.split_capital) inits, " +
" '还款本金' typevalue from clspuser.crf_p2p_capital_split_main t where t.capital_type = 1 " +
" group by to_char(t.create_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') union all select to_char(t.pay_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') datetime," +
" sum(t.amount) inits, '赎回金额' typevalue from p2p_investment_payinfodetail t where t.is_transfer is null" +
" group by to_char(t.pay_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') union all select to_char(t.match_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') datetime," +
" sum(t.amount) inits, '借款金额' typevalue from p2p_investment_capital_debt t where t.status != 06" +
" and t.redempt_number is null group by to_char(t.match_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') union all select to_char(t.start_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') datetime," +
" sum(t.amount - nvl(t.handled_amount, 0)) inits, '历史空闲资金' typevalue from p2p_investment_capitalinfo t where t.pri_number != 247478" +
" and t.status in (01, 02) and t.type = 01 and t.investor_number != 165951 group by to_char(t.start_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd'))bb where 1=1" );
if(null !=po.getStartAppDate()){
sqlsb.append(" and bb.datetime >= '"+po.getStartAppDate()+"'");
if( null != po.getEndAppDate()) {
sqlsb.append(" and bb.datetime <= '"+po.getEndAppDate()+"'");
sqlsb.append(" group by bb.datetime order by bb.datetime desc);");
String sqlStr = this.getInternalAccountMoneyWarningsql(po,false);
SQLQuery sq = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sqlStr);
在oracle没有错 但是hibernate 执行sql出现Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00911: 无效字符