别来无恙`` 2016-11-14 07:11 采纳率: 100%
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  • 斯洛文尼亚旅游 2016-11-14 09:58

    配置getClass ,依据传入的此列的值返回一个hidden样式名称隐藏,说是3.4才有,其实3.3也支持。

                        xtype: 'actioncolumn', header: 'operate', items: [{
                            icon: '1.png', getClass: function (v, meta, r) {
                                if (r.get('price') > 50) return 'hideop';
                                    return ''
     items : Array★
    An Array which may contain multiple icon definitions, each element of which may contain:
    icon : String
    The url of an image to display as the clickable element in the column.
    iconCls : String
    A CSS class to apply to the icon image. To determine the class dynamically, configure the item with a getClass function.
    getClass : Function
    A function which returns the CSS class to apply to the icon image. The function is passed the following parameters:
    v : Object
    The value of the column's configured field (if any).
    metadata : Object
    An object in which you may set the following attributes:
    css : String
    A CSS class name to add to the cell's TD element.
    attr : String
    An HTML attribute definition string to apply to the data container element within the table cell (e.g. 'style="color:red;"').
    r : Ext.data.Record
    The Record providing the data.
    rowIndex : Number
    The row index..
    colIndex : Number
    The column index.
    store : Ext.data.Store
    The Store which is providing the data Model.
    handler : Function
    A function called when the icon is clicked.
    scope : Scope
    The scope (this reference) in which the handler and getClass functions are executed. Fallback defaults are this Column's configured scope, then this Column.
    tooltip : String
    A tooltip message to be displayed on hover. Ext.QuickTips must have been initialized.
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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