回复wjy407199: 代码长是必须的,因为你的字段多,但是结果应该没有问题.
with temp as
(select '超越-礼县' jidi,'1514' jdbh,null caizhaiarea,null jindu,null weight,null muchan from dual
union all
select '陕果-青岛' jidi,'1203' jdbh,'2000' caizhaiarea,'#######' jindu,'100' weight,'0.05' muchan from dual
union all
select '陕果-灵台' jidi,'1301' jdbh,null caizhaiarea,null jindu,'11811' weight,null muchan from dual
select * from temp;
超越-礼县 1514
陕果-青岛 1203 2000 ####### 100 0.05
陕果-灵台 1301 11811
with temp as
(select '超越-礼县' jidi,'1514' jdbh,null caizhaiarea,null jindu,null weight,null muchan from dual
union all
select '陕果-青岛' jidi,'1203' jdbh,'2000' caizhaiarea,'#######' jindu,'100' weight,'0.05' muchan from dual
union all
select '陕果-灵台' jidi,'1301' jdbh,null caizhaiarea,null jindu,'11811' weight,null muchan from dual
select 'JIBH' type,
max(decode(jidi,'超越-礼县',jdbh,null)) "超越-礼县",
max(decode(jidi,'陕果-青岛',jdbh,null)) "陕果-青岛",
max(decode(jidi,'陕果-灵台',jdbh,null)) "陕果-灵台"
from temp
union all
select 'CAIZHAIAREA' type,
max(decode(jidi,'超越-礼县',caizhaiarea,null)) "超越-礼县",
max(decode(jidi,'陕果-青岛',caizhaiarea,null)) "陕果-青岛",
max(decode(jidi,'陕果-灵台',caizhaiarea,null)) "陕果-灵台"
from temp
union all
select 'JINDU' type,
max(decode(jidi,'超越-礼县',jindu,null)) "超越-礼县",
max(decode(jidi,'陕果-青岛',jindu,null)) "陕果-青岛",
max(decode(jidi,'陕果-灵台',jindu,null)) "陕果-灵台"
from temp
union all
select 'WEIGHT' type,
max(decode(jidi,'超越-礼县',weight,null)) "超越-礼县",
max(decode(jidi,'陕果-青岛',weight,null)) "陕果-青岛",
max(decode(jidi,'陕果-灵台',weight,null)) "陕果-灵台"
from temp
union all
select 'MUCHAN' type,
max(decode(jidi,'超越-礼县',muchan,null)) "超越-礼县",
max(decode(jidi,'陕果-青岛',muchan,null)) "陕果-青岛",
max(decode(jidi,'陕果-灵台',muchan,null)) "陕果-灵台"
from temp;
TYPE 超越-礼县 陕果-青岛 陕果-灵台
JIBH 1514 1203 1301
caizhaiarea 2000
jindu #######
weight 100 11811
muchan 0.05