1001101_QI 2022-05-12 18:32 采纳率: 89.5%
浏览 146


<robot name="my_car_move" xmlns:xacro="http://wiki.ros.org/xacro">

    <!-- 传动实现:用于连接控制器与关节 -->
    <xacro:macro name="joint_trans" params="joint_name">
        <!-- Transmission is important to link the joints and the controller -->
        <transmission name="${joint_name}_trans">
            <joint name="${joint_name}">
            <actuator name="${joint_name}_motor">

    <!-- 每一个驱动轮都需要配置传动装置 -->
    <xacro:joint_trans joint_name="left2link" />
    <xacro:joint_trans joint_name="right2link" />

    <!-- 控制器 -->
        <plugin name="differential_drive_controller" filename="../opt/ros/melodic/lib/libgazebo_ros_diff_drive.so">
            <leftJoint>left2link</leftJoint> <!-- 左轮 -->
            <rightJoint>right2link</rightJoint> <!-- 右轮 -->
            <wheelSeparation>${base_link_radius * 2}</wheelSeparation> <!-- 车轮间距 -->
            <wheelDiameter>${wheel_radius * 2}</wheelDiameter> <!-- 车轮直径 -->
            <commandTopic>cmd_vel</commandTopic> <!-- 运动控制话题 -->
            <odometryTopic>odom</odometryTopic> <!-- 里程计话题 -->
            <robotBaseFrame>base_footprint</robotBaseFrame> <!-- 根坐标系 -->
            <odometrySource>world</odometrySource> <!-- 'encoder' instead of 'world' is also possible -->



<xacro:property name="PI" value="3.1415926"/>

<material name="black">
    <color rgba="0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0" />

<xacro:property name="base_footprint_radius" value="0.001" /> <!-- base_footprint  -->
<xacro:property name="base_link_radius" value="0.1" /> <!-- base_link  -->
<xacro:property name="base_link_length" value="0.08" /> <!-- base_link  -->
    <xacro:property name="base_link_mass" value="2" /> <!-- base_link  -->
<xacro:property name="earth_space" value="0.015" /> <!-- lidijianju -->

<!-- dipan -->
<link name="base_footprint">
      <sphere radius="${base_footprint_radius}" />

<link name="base_link">
      <cylinder radius="${base_link_radius}" length="${base_link_length}" />
    <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
    <material name="yellow">
      <color rgba="0.5 0.3 0.0 0.5" />

      <cylinder radius="${base_link_radius}" length="${base_link_length}" />
    <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />

  <xacro:cylinder_inertial_matrix   m= "${base_link_mass}"  r= "${base_link_radius}"  h = "${base_link_length}"   />

<gazebo reference = "base_link">

<joint name="base_link2base_footprint" type="fixed">
  <parent link="base_footprint" />
  <child link="base_link" />
  <origin xyz="0 0 ${earth_space + base_link_length / 2 }" />

<!-- qudonglun -->

<xacro:property name="wheel_radius" value="0.0325" /><!-- -->
<xacro:property name="wheel_length" value="0.015" /><!-- -->
<xacro:property name="wheel_mass" value="0.05" /><!-- -->
<xacro:macro name="add_wheels" params="wheel_name  flag">
  <link name="${wheel_name}_wheel">
        <cylinder radius="${wheel_radius}" length="${wheel_length}" />
      <origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" rpy="${PI / 2} 0.0 0.0" />
      <material name="black" />
        <cylinder radius="${wheel_radius}" length="${wheel_length}" />
      <origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" rpy="${PI / 2} 0.0 0.0" />      
     <xacro:cylinder_inertial_matrix   m= "${wheel_mass}"  r= "${wheel_radius}"  h = "${wheel_length}"   />
  <gazebo reference = "${wheel_name}_wheel">

  <joint name="${wheel_name}2link" type="continuous">
    <parent link="base_link" />
    <child link="${wheel_name}_wheel" />
    <origin xyz="0 ${flag * base_link_radius} ${-(earth_space + base_link_length / 2 - wheel_radius) }" />
    <axis xyz="0 1 0" />
<xacro:add_wheels wheel_name="left" flag="1" />
<xacro:add_wheels wheel_name="right" flag="-1" />
<!-- zhichenglun -->
<xacro:property name="support_wheel_radius" value="0.0075" />
<xacro:property name="support_wheel_mass" value="0.0100" />
<xacro:macro name="add_support_wheel" params="name flag" >
  <link name="${name}_wheel">
            <sphere radius="${support_wheel_radius}" />
        <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
        <material name="black" />

            <sphere radius="${support_wheel_radius}" />
        <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
    <xacro:sphere_inertial_matrix   m = "${support_wheel_mass}"    r = "${support_wheel_radius}"  />

  <gazebo reference="${name}_wheel">

  <joint name="${name}_wheel2base_link" type="continuous">
      <parent link="base_link" />
      <child link="${name}_wheel" />
      <origin xyz="${flag * (base_link_radius - support_wheel_radius)} 0 ${-(base_link_length / 2 + earth_space / 2)}" />
      <axis xyz="1 1 1" />

<xacro:add_support_wheel name="front" flag="1" />
<xacro:add_support_wheel name="back" flag="-1" />

  • 写回答

2条回答 默认 最新

  • 溪风沐雪 2022-05-12 18:40


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  • 系统已结题 5月22日
  • 已采纳回答 5月14日
  • 修改了问题 5月13日
  • 创建了问题 5月12日


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