duanfaxin7014 2014-09-08 14:25
浏览 212

Pdo Mysql:警告:数据包乱序

I get the error "Uncaught Exception Warning: Packets out of order. Expected 1 received 166. Packet size=52" when running two PDO queries one after the other.

$dbh = new \PDO('mysql:host=' . $dbHost . ';dbname=' . $dbName, $dbUser, $dbPass, array(
            \PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE => true

$sql = <<<eof
            LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$csv'
             INTO TABLE $table
             LINES TERMINATED BY '
             IGNORE 1 LINES
            ALTER TABLE $table ADD COLUMN disabled INT DEFAULT 0
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM '.$table.' WHERE myfield IS NULL';

What I'm trying to do : after import of large CSV file (about 30 MB and 40k lines) into database, I want to count how many rows are empty in a field, to fill them in a later query.

I noticed I can run the first query if I comment out the second one, and then I can run the second query if I comment out the first one. If I try to run them one after the other, it fails. I tried raising memory packet to 20M from 8M, and also to set $dbh->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, true); with no success. Similar code worked with a smaller dataset earlier. Any pointers very welcome!

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  • dongzhan8001 2014-09-08 16:13

    Ok so actually in the eof statement above I had put more than one query. After the load data inline I had added some alter table queries. It seems pdo can't handle several queries in one eof block. so I tried separating each query in its own request, and then it worked.

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