douqian1835 2016-08-31 11:08
浏览 157

将$ _GET变量从Wordpress页面传递到外部iFrame

I have searched throughout all of the internets to fix this issue - I am sure this can be done! I am trying to pass a $_GET variable into an external page that is accessed through an iframe. My website is done on Wordpress and I have downloaded a plugin to use an iframe so that I can show a page that contains PHP. This is the way it works:

The page on Wordpress should have a $_GET parameter in its URL (like this:

I need to access this $_GET parameter inside my iframe. The iframe src is a page I do not have on Wordpress but that is on my server (it's like an external link).

I feel like I have given all the information I can but if not please feel free to ask and I can elaborate. It's driving me crazy! Thanks.

Please note I am passing the iFrame through the shortcode. [iframe src="" width="100%" height="500"]

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  • douzhai7873 2016-08-31 11:12


    [iframe src=""; width="100%" height="500"]

    if you used more than one variable pass so you use an advanced iframe plugin so it is good for you.

    [advanced_iframe securitykey="key" url_forward_parameter="SECOND_VARIABLE" src=""]
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