doucao1888 2016-10-02 16:33
浏览 57


I'm new to Laravel and I'm looking for a good way to seed a pivot table using factories. I don't want to use plain seeders. I'll show you the case:

I have three tables (users, skills, and user_skill).

users                user_skill                 skills
+----------------+   +----------------------+   +-----------------+
| id  | name     |   | user_id | section_id |   | id  | skills    |
+----------------+   +----------------------+   +-----------------+
| 1   | Alex     |   |         |            |   | 1   | draw      |
|----------------|   |----------------------|   |-----------------|
| 2   | Lucy     |   |         |            |   | 2   | program   |
|----------------|   |----------------------|   |-----------------|
| 3   | Max      |   |         |            |   | 3   | social    |
|----------------|   |----------------------|   +-----------------+
| 4   | Sam      |   |         |            |
+----------------+   +----------------------+

Is there a good way to take real Id's of the Users table and real Id's of Skills table to seed the pivot table? I want to do it randomly, but I don't want random numbers that doesn't match to any id. I want the Id to match with the users and skills.

I don't know how to start, and I'm looking for a good example. Maybe something like this?

$factory->defineAs(App\User::class, 'userSkills', function ($faker) {
    return [
        'user_id' => ..?
        'skills_id' => ..?
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  • douzhuan4406 2016-10-02 16:55

    I do not think that this is the best approach but it works for me.

    $factory->define(App\UserSkill::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {
        return [
            'user_id' => factory(App\User::class)->create()->id,
            'skill_id' => factory(App\Skill::class)->create()->id,

    If you do not want to create a model just for the pivot table, you can insert it manually.

            'user_id' => factory(App\User::class)->create()->id,
            'skill_id' => factory(App\Skill::class)->create()->id,

    Or, with random existing values.

            'user_id' => User::select('id')->orderByRaw("RAND()")->first()->id,
            'skill_id' => Skill::select('id')->orderByRaw("RAND()")->first()->id,
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