duanpaxin3531 2011-07-06 19:00
浏览 47

执行A / B拆分的最理想的跨语言方法是什么?

I'm on a project where I have to implement an A/B split in 15 or so views, in this case for PHP - we'd like to use the same math if possible for our JavaScript projects.

What is the most ideal, least verbose, least CPU-intensive way of doing this? For this project, I just need to set a variable: something like:

// In the main controller
if(rand(1, 2) == 2)
    $recipe = 'program';
    $recipe = 'standard';

// In the view
$program = (RECIPE == 'program') ? '&ProgramOfInterest=' . $program_id : '';

We have 20 or so devs here and we all have our ways - what is the best, benchmark-proven way?

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  • doujia7779 2011-07-10 18:49

    You should use mt_rand() over rand(). It's 4x faster than rand() because mt_rand uses a Mersenne Twister over the libc random number generator which rand() uses (see php.net).

    You can then get an equivalent to mt_rand() for javascript from the php.js library.

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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