douza9835 2017-04-04 09:08
浏览 48


I have done master and slave setup for my database server, so In my codigniter application what I want is to execute all write options on master server and all read operation on slave server.

Can anybody tell me how can I achieve this in codigniter version3.


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  • douchun1961 2017-04-06 14:17

    What you have to update system/database/DB_Driver.php file.

    Its very simple what you have to make 3 small changes in this file.

    1) Inside Construction add your Read and Write server credentials.

            $this->server_details['local_server']['hostname'] = "localhost";
            $this->server_details['local_server']['username'] = "select_user";
            $this->server_details['local_server']['password'] = "password";       
            $this->server_details['live_server']['hostname'] = "";  
            $this->server_details['live_server']['username'] = "write_user"; 
            $this->server_details['live_server']['password'] = "password";        

    2) Create New function will switch the database connection for select and write query.

     private function ebrandz_switch_db_for_read_write($sql) {               
           if( $this->hostname == $this->server_details['local_server']['hostname'] &&  $this->username == $this->server_details['local_server']['username'] &&  $this->password == $this->server_details['local_server']['password'] ) {    
                       //echo $sql.'<br/>';
             if(stristr($sql, 'SELECT')) {   
                                foreach($this->server_details['local_server'] as $index_key => $index_value ) { 
                                    $this->$index_key = $index_value;  
                                  $this->conn_id = null;  //unset resource link 
                                  $this->initialize();   //Reinitialize connnection with new parameters                                                                                                       
                        } else {    
                                //die('write operation is not allowed.');
                                foreach($this->server_details['live_server'] as $index_key => $index_value ) { 
                                     $this->$index_key = $index_value;  
                                $this->conn_id = null ; //unset resource link 
                                $this->initialize();    //Reinitialize connnection with new parameters                                                           
                   } else if( $this->hostname == $this->server_details['live_server']['hostname'] &&  $this->username == $this->server_details['live_server']['username']  &&  $this->password ==  $this->server_details['live_server']['password'] ) {  
                        if(stristr($sql, 'SELECT')) { 
                                foreach($this->server_details['local_server'] as $index_key => $index_value ) { 
                                     $this->$index_key = $index_value;  
                                $this->conn_id = null ;  //unset resource link 
                                $this->initialize();     //Reinitialize connnection with new parameters      
                        } else {  
                                //die('write operation is not allowed.');
                                foreach($this->server_details['live_server'] as $index_key => $index_value ) { 
                                     $this->$index_key = $index_value;
                                $this->conn_id = null ; //unset resource link 
                                $this->initialize();    //Reinitialize connnection with new parameters                                                           
                   //Code to re initialize the connection 

    3) Inside Query function of this file you have to call the prevous defined function.

    // Verify table prefix and replace if necessary
        if ($this->dbprefix !== '' && $this->swap_pre !== '' && $this->dbprefix !== $this->swap_pre)
            $sql = preg_replace('/(\W)'.$this->swap_pre.'(\S+?)/', '\\1'.$this->dbprefix.'\\2', $sql);
         * @author Anant Waykar
         * if query is read only then load some other database
          //Code to re initialize the connection 
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