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可以使用connect by 或者 cte两种方式,下面这个是cte的方式(注:因为不清楚fstarttime是否会有重复值,因此引入了行号来做行的唯一标识)
--测试数据 create table test_date_exp(fstarttime date,endtime date); insert into test_date_exp values (date'2022-10-01',date'2022-10-07'); insert into test_date_exp values (date'2022-10-16',date'2022-10-18'); --执行查询 with t as (select rownum rn, t.* from test_date_exp t), cte(rn,fstarttime,endtime,lvl,dt) as (select rn, fstarttime, endtime, 1, fstarttime from t union all select a.rn, a.fstarttime, a.endtime, lvl + 1, a.fstarttime + lvl from cte, t a where a.endtime >= a.fstarttime + lvl and cte.rn = a.rn) select * from cte order by rn,dt;
connect by 的大概这样
select distinct fstarttime, endtime, fstarttime + level - 1 dt from test_date_exp connect by fstarttime + level - 1 <= endtime order by 1,3
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