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- 游一游走一走 2022-10-18 15:31关注
import re class VigenereCipher(object): """ This class provides methods for enciphering and deciphering text using the Vigenere cipher. """ def __init__(self): self.tabularecta = self.__create_tabula_recta() def __create_tabula_recta(self): tabularecta = [] for r in range(0, 26): offset = 0 row = [] for column in range(0, 26): row.append(chr(r + 65 + offset)) offset += 1 if offset > (25 - r): offset = offset - 26 tabularecta.append(row) return tabularecta def encipher(self, plaintext, keyword): """ The plaintext argument can be any string, but only the letters a-z and A-Z will be included in the encrypted text. """ plaintext = self.__process_plaintext(plaintext) keywordrepeated = self.__get_keyword_repeated(keyword, len(plaintext)) ciphertext = [] for index, letter in enumerate(plaintext): plaintextindex = ord(letter.upper()) - 65 keywordindex = ord(keywordrepeated[index]) - 65 # --------------------# # Using tabula recta # # --------------------# encipheredletter = self.tabularecta[keywordindex][plaintextindex] # ---------------# # Using algebra # # ---------------# # encipheredletter = chr(((plaintextindex + keywordindex) % 26) + 65) ciphertext.append(encipheredletter) return "".join(ciphertext) def decipher(self, ciphertext, keyword): """ Decrypts the ciphetext using the keyword. Only the letters a-z and A-Z in the original text will be present in the decrypted text. """ keywordrepeated = self.__get_keyword_repeated(keyword, len(ciphertext)) decipheredtext = [] for index, letter in enumerate(ciphertext): keywordindex = ord(keywordrepeated[index]) - 65 # --------------------# # Using tabula recta # # --------------------# decipheredletter = chr(self.tabularecta[keywordindex].index(letter) + 65) # ---------------# # Using algebra # # ---------------# # decipheredletter = chr((((ord(letter) - 65) - keywordindex) % 26) + 65) decipheredtext.append(decipheredletter) return "".join(decipheredtext) def __process_plaintext(self, plaintext): plaintext = plaintext.upper() plaintext = re.sub("[^A-Z]", "", plaintext) return plaintext def __get_keyword_repeated(self, keyword, length): keyword = keyword.upper() keywordrepeated = [] keywordlength = len(keyword) keywordindex = 0 for i in range(0, length): keywordrepeated.append(keyword[keywordindex]) keywordindex += 1 if keywordindex > keywordlength - 1: keywordindex = 0 return "".join(keywordrepeated) if __name__ == '__main__': vc = VigenereCipher() print(vc.decipher('ZICVTWQNGRZGVTWAVZHCQYGLMGJ', 'deceptive'))
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