I have MySQL Query like this: (I use CodeIgniter)
$report = $this->db->query("
SELECT c.categoryName,
((SELECT SUM(noteAmount)
FROM notes
WHERE DATE_FORMAT(noteDate, '%d-%m-%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(note1.noteDate, '%d-%m-%Y') AND noteType = 'cash_in')
(SELECT SUM(noteAmount)
FROM notes
WHERE DATE_FORMAT(noteDate, '%d-%m-%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(note1.noteDate, '%d-%m-%Y') AND noteType = 'cash_out')) as trxCount
FROM notes AS note1
(SELECT noteDate
FROM notes
GROUP BY noteDate
HAVING COUNT(noteDate) > 0)
AS note2
ON note1.noteDate = note2.noteDate
JOIN category c
ON c.categoryID = note1.categoryID
WHERE note1.noteType = 'cash_in'
ORDER BY note1.noteDate DESC
LIMIT $start, $per_page
See on WHERE Clause: WHERE note1.noteType = 'cash_in'
I only want to take the cash data, but why do I get all the data? (including cash out and others). My table also have cash out data
notes table:
noteID | noteTitle | noteDate | noteAmount | categoryID | noteType
category table
categoryID | categoryName | parentID