I'm trying to store an image from a URL using Intervention to my storage.
Here is what I tried so far(Attempt 1):
$path = 'http://f2b9x.s87.it/images/1/FR_laura-kithorizontal.gif';
$filename = basename($path);
$image = Image::make($path);
$store = $image->storeAs('image/'.$filename,'public');
But I get this error:
Command (storeAs) is not available for driver (Gd).
Then I tried this (Attempt 2):
But I got this error: Can't write image data to path (C:\xampp\htdocs\app\public\/images/saveAsImageName.jpg)
In Attempt 2, I tried doing also this: public_path('\images\saveAsImageName.jpg')
just to make sure it wasn't the backslashes causing the problem, but it gave me the same error.
Any help?