Ok I found a few questions on how to get data from a MYSql database into an iOS app, but I am just asking a few best practices here. I know these can all be separate questions, but I am hoping that they can be answered in a way that they relate to each other.
Am I correct to understand that to be able to get data into an iOS app - I need to first generate a JSON file, have that stored on a server and than have the app download this file??
If the previous answer is NO then does that mean, I can pull in data on the fly?
Lastly I have seen PHP examples to create JSON files, but iOS is in Objective-c. Does this mean I need to load a UIWebView to be able to load the PHP page that generates the file?
What I have:
I have a MYSql database - it is set up through PHPMyAdmin, so I am not familiar enough with the creation process of the database yet. I will look into that.
I can also export the JSON file from PHPMyAdmin, but that is no good to me in a iOS app.
I also have the parsing from a JSON file into an iOS app sorted, but I want to be able to do this on the fly instead of creating potentially hunderds of files.
I hope someone can help me here:-)
I am not necessarily asking for code, but would be mad to ignore it:-)