There is a vbscript that we must run to consolidate information gathered in a custom web application into our management software. The .vbs is in the same folder as the web application which is built in CodeIgniter 2.
Here is the controller code:
public function saveToPM( $budgetType ){
// run it
$obj = new COM( 'WScript.Shell' );
if ( is_object ( $obj ) ) {
$obj->Run( 'cmd /C wscript.exe D:\pamtest\myload.vbs', 0, true );
} else {
echo 'can not create wshell object';
} // end if
$obj = null;
} // end saveToPM function
We have enabled DCon in the php.ini file and used dcomcnfg to enable permissions for the user.
I borrowed the code from
The screen echos "Code executed" but the vbscript does not run.
We have been fighting with this for a while so any help is GREATLY appreciated.