dongma6326 2017-10-09 18:30
浏览 3856


I'm trying to use ZohoMail's API to send email through my application. But it keeps giving me:

"{errorCode":"INVALID_METHOD"},"status":{"code":404,"description":"Invalid Input"}}

Here's the link to the Call that I'm trying to make:

Here's my function:

public static function sendEmail ($AccountId, $AuthCode, $FromAddress, $ToAddress, $Subject, $Content){

    $client = new Client(); //GuzzleHttp\Client
    $URI = '' . $AccountId . '/messages';
    $headers = ['Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => 'Zoho-authtoken ' . $AuthCode];
    $body = array('fromAddress' => $FromAddress, 'toAddress' => $ToAddress, 'subject' => $Subject, 'content' => $Content);
    $Nbody = json_encode($body);
    $response = $client->post($URI, $headers, $Nbody);
    echo "DONE!";


I've tried changing the way I'm making the call but it doesn't seem like that's the problem. I've tested the call in PostMan and it works fine so there is probably something wrong with the way I'm making the call. Any help would be much appreciated.

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  • dou91808 2017-10-10 17:57

    After testing with cURL, I found that the URL had been 'moved' to https instead of http. Using just http, the call was going through in Postman but not with Guzzle. The only change I made was to make the URL:

    The website lists it as just http and the request does go through with PostMan. I have made prior calls with just http in Guzzle from the same API and they went through. If someone could help me understand why this happened and why this specific call when using http works in PostMan and not in Guzzle, that'd be great.

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