I have made a mistake by storing the date as VARCHAR in the database and here it looks like 02/12/2018 and I have created a variable using carbon to get the current date +14 days.
$current_date_plus_14 = Carbon::now() -> addDay(14) -> format('d/m/Y');
Problem is
I am trying to compare this date 02/12/2018 which is in the database and stores as VARCHAR to the date that I have generated using Carbon which is 09/04/2017.
Eloquent Code
$gquery = Client::where('required_date', '>=', $current_date_plus_14) -> get();
What I get
It doesn't get any results because it compare only the day in the required_date and the day in the carbon date.
While it should return value because the there is more than 1 year difference?