douyihuaimao733955 2017-04-27 13:35
浏览 59

在Laravel的两个模型中使用单一方法; OOP PHP

I have 4 models held together by 4 pivot tables:

User, Company, Phone, Address

The User and Company are both tied together to Phone with the pivot tables user_phone and company_phone.

User has a method: addDefaultPhone( Request $request ). It grabs $request->input() and creates a phone number and attaches it to the User.

The same exact method can be used in the Company class. How can I include addDefaultAddress to both classes (without copying and pasting of course)?

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  • duanchigeng4313 2017-04-27 13:40

    You may use inheritance or trait. Choose whatever you want.


    Create a base class:

    namespace App;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    class ThingWithAPhone extends Model {
        public function addDefaultPhone() {
            /* Whatever you want... */

    Then both User and Company could extend this class:

    // In the user file
    class User extends ThingWithAPhone { /* ... */ }
    // In the company file
    class Company extends ThingWithAPhone { /* ... */ }


    Create a trait:

    namespace App;
    class Phonable {
        public function addDefaultPhone() {
            /* Whatever you want... */

    Use this trait:

    // In the user file
    class User extends Model { 
        use Phonable;
        /* ... */ 
    // In the company file
    class Company extends Model {         
        use Phonable;
        /* ... */ 
    } }

    With trait you can create class which have X traits, and one other class with Y traits and some of these traits may be common to both classes.

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