dongtan6695 2016-07-13 14:43
浏览 37


Using PHP, I'm trying to add a div in parsed HTML, with the insertion location depending on an existing tag's ID.

I get a generated HTML file (which I have no control of) that is basically read-only. My job is to get that HTML file, add a few divs (buttons and other stuff), and resend it back.

This is where it gets a little bit tricky: where I need to add the divs (the ones I'm adding with buttons and stuff) depends on a div ID that can appear multiple times in the HTML file.

In order for my added div to work properly, it must be added before the parent div of the tagged, identifiable div.

Simply put:

... some html

<--- where i want to put our lovely div

<div> // no  tags no info just a simple div

    <div id="myId">
        ... some html


... some html
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  • doufen3838 2016-07-15 19:06

    Your absolute best option, imo would be to use PHP's native DOMDocument:

    There's quite a learning curve to this so I worked up something that should get you going in the right direction - if not provide a solution altogether. I've included line by line comments here to explain each step:

    // the filename you want to parse
    $filename = './test.html';
    // an array of replacement html snippets and the id of the child element.
    // html will be inserted before parent of each child with a matching ID as you described
    $replacements = [
            'id'     => 'myId',
            'insert' => '<button>Insert before parent of #myId</button>'
            'id'     => 'myId2',
            'insert' => '<button>Insert before parent of#myId2</button>'
    // instantiate DOMDocument and read the html file
    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    // get an array of all dom elements
    $elements = $dom->getElementsByTagName('*');
    // iterate through dom elements
    foreach($elements as $element) {
        // check if this element has an 'id' attribute
        if ($element->hasAttribute('id')) {
            // iterate through replacement array
            foreach ($replacements as $i => $replacement) {
                // if element's id is a match then add this node to our array
                if ($element->getAttribute('id') == $replacement['id']) {
                    $replacements[$i]['nodes'][] = $element;
    // iterate through replacements again
    foreach ($replacements as $replacement) {
        // iterate through nodes we found which matched
        foreach ($replacement['nodes'] as $node) {
            // create a DOMDocument node from an html string
            $html = $dom->createDocumentFragment();
            // insert this node before parent
    // output the revised html
    echo $dom->saveHTML();
    // note - if your html doesn't have <html> and <body> tags they will be automatically added by DOMDOcument
    // you can work around this and get only body innerhtml with something like this
    echo str_replace(['<body>','</body>'],'',$dom->saveHTML($dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0)));

    I created a test document with the following html called test.html. I intentionally used myId twice to demonstrate that this will in fact match every element regardless of validity:

    <div> // no  tags no info just a simple div
        <div id="myId">
            ... some html
    <div> // no  tags no info just a simple div
        <div id="myId2">
            ... some html
    <div> // no  tags no info just a simple div
        <div id="myId">
            ... some html

    The php code above outputs the following:

    <button>Insert before parent of #myId</button><div> // no  tags no info just a simple div
        <div id="myId">
            ... some html
    <button>Insert before parent of #myId2</button><div> // no  tags no info just a simple div
        <div id="myId2">
            ... some html
    <button>Insert before parent of #myId</button><div> // no  tags no info just a simple div
        <div id="myId">
            ... some html
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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