doulu7258 2014-11-04 15:26
浏览 23


I am writing code to register a new project via a html form. I want to be able to click a dropdown box which pulls the values from a table on the database.

At the moment a dropdown box displays but with no values.

PLEASE NOTE: I am a learning the basics so apologies if this is a simple question/answer scenario.

My code is below, any help is appreciated, I connect to the database via a php include script. The table is called 'customers' and the item I want to list is 'name';-

$result = mysql_query("SELECT customers FROM name"); 
 echo "<select name='client'>"; 
 while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) 
    echo "<option value = '".$row[name]."'>".$row[name]."</option>"; 
 echo "</select>";
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  • dongnuo3749 2014-11-04 15:29

    "The table is called 'customers' and the item I want to list is 'name';" -

    Do SELECT name FROM customers instead of SELECT customers FROM name

    • Using mysql_error() to mysql_query()
      would have shown you the error that the table name does not exist.

    [name] are missing quotes inside them => ['name'] which are being treated as constants.


    echo "<option value = '".$row[name]."'>".$row[name]."</option>";

    as caught and kudos to devdesign

    echo "<option value = '".$row['name']."'>".$row['name']."</option>";

    However, you are using a deprecated MySQL library. If you are still not getting results, then this could mean that you need to use (and should use) mysqli_ or PDO instead.

    Here are a few links on the subject:

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