dqhgjay5753 2014-04-13 04:53
浏览 49


I am looking for something similar to the solution here >> Call function from string stored in a variable, however with one difference :

I would like to pass a parameter as well.

For example :

   function foo($myvar) {


   $function = 'foo';
   $values = Array('myvar'=>1, 'myvar2'=>2);

   if(function_exists($function)) {
      // call the function using $function, 
      // and pass the value $values -- aka   $function($values)


Any workable solution would be greatly appreciated. Ideally, I would like to use it with classes as follows :

   class bar {

   function foo($myvar) {



   $function = 'foo';
   $values = Array('myvar'=>1, 'myvar2'=>2);

   if(function_exists($function)) {
      // call the function using $function, 
      // and pass the value $values -- aka   $bar::$function($values)

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  • doulan4371 2014-04-13 05:03

    You can call a function on an object passing params, using variables, as follows:

    $myBar = new bar(); // usually class names have uppercase first letters though
    $myClassname = 'bar';
    call_user_func(array($myBar, $function), $values); // method on object
    call_user_func(array($myClassname, $function), $values); // class (static) method
    call_user_func($myClassname.'::'.$function); // PHP 5.2.3 and higher
    // if you had another function $function2 whose args were a list of parameters instead of an array:
    call_user_func($myBar, $function2, $param1, $param2, $param3);

    More info and examples at http://us1.php.net/call_user_func

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