dongle7637 2010-10-14 00:22
浏览 18


How would I go about selecting the data of each title from the following JSON? I have the JSON decoded, but I'm not sure how to select the part I want.

    "responseData": {
        "results": [
                "title": "Justin Giesbrecht 749",
                "titleNoFormatting": "Justin Giesbrecht 749",
                "title": "Gopher dunes 09",
                "titleNoFormatting": "Gopher dunes 09",
                "title": "dirtbike Justin",
                "titleNoFormatting": "dirtbike Justin",
                "title": "A Warming",
                "titleNoFormatting": "A Warming",
        "cursor": {
            "pages": [
                    "start": "0",
                    "label": 1
                    "start": "4",
                    "label": 2
            "estimatedResultCount": "6",
            "currentPageIndex": 0,
    "responseDetails": null,
    "responseStatus": 200

I thought it would be something like this, but I don't get anything:

echo "Response ". $jsonS->responseData->results[1]->title;
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  • dsxmwin86342 2010-10-14 01:51

    Actually you've got the reading of the title part right, it's the JSON that is invalid.

    Copying the JSON into a JSON validator/lint e.g. will show that the you have additional , (commas) after the last object attribute in a few places (5 places to be exact, after each 'titleFormatting' attribute and after 'currentPageIndex').

    If you fix those errors and parse it using json_decode e.g.:

    $jsonS = json_decode($json_text);

    Then your own code:

    echo "Response " . $jsonS->responseData->results[1]->title;

    Will output the second (index 1 being the second index) results title

    Response Gopher dunes 09

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