I am creating a rating system in which when user rate any company then rate stored into rate along with the v_id table. (v_id is company id),
This is my url in which i want to rate...
- www.ABC.com/controller/function/company_id
Here company_id is getting from database. I want to store the company rating into rate table. when user click on the star.
function visa_company_profile($v_id) {
$data['total_ratings'] = $this->Visa_mdl->total_ratings($v_id);
$data['total_average'] = $this->Visa_mdl->total_average($v_id);
$result = $this->Visa_mdl->get_company_profile($v_id);
$data['items_company_profile'] = $result;
Views This is ajax part in which i am sending the star values to the controller
var click_val = 0;
$("#1_star").attr("src","<?php echo base_url('assets/rating/star.png'); ?>");
$("#2_star").attr("src","<?php echo base_url('assets/rating/blank_star.png'); ?>");
$('#3_star').attr('src',"<?php echo base_url('assets/rating/blank_star.png'); ?>");
$('#4_star').attr('src',"<?php echo base_url('assets/rating/blank_star.png'); ?>");
$('#5_star').attr('src',"<?php echo base_url('assets/rating/blank_star.png'); ?>");
click_val = 1;
url: '<?php echo base_url('Account/loggedin');?>',
success: function(logged_in) {
if (logged_in === "1") {
}else {
function ajaxCall() {
method : 'POST',
data: {'click_val':click_val},
url: '<?php echo base_url('Hotels/ratings/');?>',
success: function() {
Star Controller To store Rate into data Here i am trying to get the company id from url and store into column(v_id) rate table.
function ratings() {
$last = $this->uri->total_segments();
$record_num = $this->uri->segment($last);
$value = array (
'rate' => $this->input->post('click_val'),
'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'v_id' => $record_num
function ratings($value) {