doufen1933 2017-02-22 05:35
浏览 1204


In my database, there are many special characters like (İstanbul, Yeşilköy, Atatürk and more).

when I directly fetch these data from the database all working fine. Means data remain original but problem occur when I convert these data to JSON using json_encode().

After encoding all these data converted to some strange characters like ?stanbul, Bak?rköy...

But after decodeing (using json_decode) I need the original string which was before encoding(json_encode).

I tried many solutions provided on the web to solve the problem but none of them is fully working in my case.

some solutions I tried-

If not possible to get the original string atleast there should not be any ? like thing(remove these things).

Suggest me something to solve the issue.

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  • douchen2011 2017-12-01 07:38

    This library saved my life(

    Previously I was using the wrong method to get the issue resolved. toUTF8() function was life saver.

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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