Firstly I wanna check the given value in textfield is Number or not.
But I have number of textfields ,the number is depending upon dynamic value from php&yii like as follows
<?php foreach($model->getData() as $donation){ ?>
Donation For <?php echo $donation['DonationName'];?>
<label><b>$</b> <input class="textfld3" style="width:75%" title="First Name" placeholder="Amount" type="text">
<?php } ?>
so I wanna get the value of the textfield or textfields in js..
I had also used the jsfunction as
var texts= $(".textfld3").map(function() {
return $(this).val();
but all the values are showing in alert box along with commas
how should i get the value of textfiled or textfields to check whether it is number or not in js.