drd94483 2017-04-25 21:12
浏览 60


I've been pulling my hair out with this all day, please forgive the short description, I just need to validate my sanity!!

As the title says, I'm trying to create two or three different single-product layouts within woocommerce. The minimum is trying to achieve would be to have multiple single-product folders each with their own name and configurations.

No matter which way I try to override the single-product.php and make this file use logic to check for the product_cat and give out templates accordingly, I either the page not loading or what I write is skipped over and the default is loaded.

So far I've been through the following methods multiple times, trying to piece together what may be outdated code or otherwise causing all the fuss:

WooCommerce - How to create multiple single product template based on category?

Woocommerce single product - template by categories

Creating a different template file for certain Product Categories - Wordpress/Woocommerce?

I was more hoping someone may know something about this that I'm obviously missing as there are many articles out there on what to try and most claim success but I'm unable to do so.

[Update] using template_include code from @helgatheviking

No success just yet but here's where I'm up to;

File structure team-shops is the category I'm trying to get

  • /mytheme/woocommerce/single-product.php - no changes
  • /mytheme/woocommerce/content-single-product.php
  • /mytheme/woocommerce/single-product-team-shops.php - changed line 37 to<?php wc_get_template_part( 'content', 'single-product-team-shops' ); ?>
  • /mytheme/woocommerce/content-single-product-team-shops.php - added additional id to #product-id (line 39)
  • /mytheme/woocommerce/single-product-team-shops/ folder with all single product files to change.

As I said above this isn't working but hopefully with what I've provided the problem may be more obvious.

Thanks again for any help :)

[Think I've got it]

Ok so I think I've something that works, at least for now it seems to, still have some further testing to do but any thoughts more than welcome, this is what I've got so far along with a single-product-team-shops folder in my theme

add_filter( 'woocommerce_locate_template', 'so_25789472_locate_template', 10, 3 );

function so_25789472_locate_template( $template, $template_name, $template_path ){

    $term_id = 2854;
    $taxonomy_name = 'product_cat';
    $term_children = get_term_children( $term_id, $taxonomy_name );

    foreach ( $term_children as $child ) {

    // on single posts with mock category and only for single-product/something.php templates
    if( is_product() && has_term( $child, 'product_cat' ) && strpos( $template_name, 'single-product/') !== false ){

        // replace single-product with single-product-mock in template name
        $mock_template_name = str_replace("single-product/", "single-product-team-shops/", $template_name );

        // look for templates in the single-product-mock/ folder
        $mock_template = locate_template(
                trailingslashit( $template_path ) . $mock_template_name,

        // if found, replace template with that in the single-product-mock/ folder
        if ( $mock_template ) {
            $template = $mock_template;

    return $template;
  • 写回答

1条回答 默认 最新

  • dsfsfdsf4544 2017-05-02 17:36

    Use a single-product-custom.php template for any product in the "custom" category:

    add_filter( 'template_include', 'so_43621049_template_include' );
    function so_43621049_template_include( $template ) {
      if ( is_singular('product') && (has_term( 'custom', 'product_cat')) ) {
        $template = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/woocommerce/single-product-custom.php';
      return $template;

    NB: If you use the same action hooks in your single-product-custom.php template you will get the same look as the default single-product.php. You could 'rename' all the hooks and then could add existing functions (such as those for add to cart buttons, etc) to the new hooks in order to achieve a totally custom look.

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