doubu2730 2016-05-23 09:49
浏览 921


In the Settings of PhpStorm, it is possible to add new interpreters.

Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP

I have different docker containers running on my machine (Linux Mint) and I would like to reference each of them as an interpreter.

I tried to follow the instructions from the doc but didn't succeed :(

Should I configure a SSH access trough my docker container or adding my containers as servers? I'm a bit confused here.

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  • duanke6057 2016-06-22 07:23

    LazyOne is right, PHPStorm needs SSH access to work with the container interpreter.

    In order to do that you need to install & configure OpenSSH inside your PHP development image and run its daemon alongside the PHP-FPM process or Apache.

    Then you'll be able to create a remote interpreter via SSH credentials, like so:

    enter image description here enter image description here

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