doushaju4901 2016-09-14 14:44
浏览 117

覆盖Laravel 5.3中的默认密码重置过程

I am currently writing an application that is using Laravel 5.3 on the backend, and I'm looking for a way to overwrite the default password reset behaviour.

The class that I need to change is "ResetPassword" located here: /Illuminate/Auth/Notifications/ResetPassword.php

Reason for the change is, that the reset url generated in this file is not correct for my front-end - as it uses url(), which puts the API url rather then the front-end url in the reset email.

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  • dongtui9168 2016-09-15 12:00

    You can override CanResetPassword's sendPasswordResetNotification() method in your User.php

    use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
    use App\Notifications\CustomResetPasswordNotification;
    public function sendPasswordResetNotification($token)
        $this->notify(new CustomResetPasswordNotification($token));

    and create CustomResetPasswordNotification.php according your requirements.

    Check Password Reset Emails section here for more details

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