Why is the PHP variable defined as $real in the code below empty but still set after one iteration of the while loop yet the $entry variable is both set and contains the correct value on every iteration of the loop. Does the calling of a function '' put the resulting variable outside of the scope and if so how can I fix this?
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Total </title>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="course.css">
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<script src="../jquery-ui.js"></script>
if ($handle = opendir('../uploads'))
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle)))
if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..")
$real= realpath($entry);
echo "<button class='files accordian'>$entry $real</button>";
$real= realpath($entry);
echo 'the real varibale is set';
echo 'the real varibale is not set';
echo 'the real varibale is empty';
echo 'the real varibale is not empty';
echo 'and is '. $real;
echo "<button class='files accordian'>$entry $real</button>
<div class='panel'>