I'm using Laravel on Homestead and Forge, and am uploading images with the Intervention/Image package, and would like to allow user to upload photos from an iPhone where the photos will be larger than 2MB. When I tried to submit the photo I got an nginx error saying the photo was too large. I understand that I may have to modify the php.ini file to change max_upload_size, since even though I plan on resizing the image before I save it, I assume the photo still has to upload before I can resize it, but is there a good way to do this so that I can make the same change on the Forge and Homestead machines at the same time? Is there another way to do this that is better?
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duane9322 2015-01-01 05:00关注There is a recent upgrade to Forge. If you go to Server -> Meta - there is now a field to change "Max Field Upload Size".
The default is 2 - but you can change it anything.
No need to make any further server config changes - Forge does it all for you.
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