I assume you already install VirtualBox or VMWare. After downloading Homestead from Git, you need to amend Homestead.yaml file
ip: ""
memory: 2048
cpus: 1
authorize: /Users/Documents/workspace/myssh.pub #pub path
- /Users/Documents/workspace/myssh #ssh key
- map: /Users/Documents/workspace/dev/myProject #My project directory
to: /home/vagrant/code/myProject #Vagrant project directory, no need to change this /home/vagrant/code/
- map: yourproject.app #you can change whatever you prefer
to: /home/vagrant/code/myProject/public #no need to change this /home/vagrant/code/
- key: APP_ENV
value: local
Then, we remain one final step to amend. Open hosts file under /etc/. I will use VI to amend this. You can use whatever you like.
vi /etc/hosts

You need to add new line in this file yourproject.app //same with code line 11
Finally, you just only need to run vagrant up. Please don't forgot one thing. If you shutdown your PC without shutdown your vagrant, it's take too long to shutdown your PC. Even your PC is shutdown, vagrant might be crushed when you run again vagrant up. Before your shutdown your PC, you need to run vagrant halt for safe.
Hope this help.