清酒青衣 2023-10-18 13:30 采纳率: 100%
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oracle sql优化,两张临时表多次关联,如何优化

with A1 as (select case when xxx end as mkt_code ,A.* from A),
with B1 as(select case when xxx end as mkt_code ,B.* from B)
现在的逻辑是将A表作为主要去关联材料表B,首先考虑通过A.security2||A.mkt_code =B.security||B.mkt_code,若关联不上再用A.security||A.mkt_code =B.security||B.mkt_code,还是关联不上的用名称去关联取值A.name||A.mkt_code =B.name||B.mkt_code,最后再关联补充材料表C,关联条件nvl(A.security2,A.security)||A.mkt_code =C.security||C.mkt_code。

with A1 as (select case when xxx else null end as mkt_code ,A.* from A),
with B1 as(select case when xxx else null end as mkt_code ,B.* from B)
select securitycode
from (
select securitycode
,row()number(partition by securitycode,mkt_code order by name desc nulls last,sk_1 desc) rn
from (
select distinct nvl(t.security2,t.security) securitycode
,coalesce(t.mkt_code,t1.mkt_code,t2.mkt_code,t3.mkt_code,t4.mkt_code) mkt_code
,coalesce(t1.sk_issue1,t1.sk_issue2,t2.sk_issue1,t2.sk_issue2,t3.sk_issue1,t3.sk_issue2)  sk_1
,coalesce(t1.sk_issue1,t2.sk_issue1,t4.sk_issue,t3.sk_issue1,nvl(t.security2,t.security)) sk_issue
from A1 t
left join B1 t1
on t.security2||t.mkt_code =t1.security||t1.mkt_code
left join B1 t2
on t.security||t.mkt_code =t2.security||t2.mkt_code
left join B1 t3
on t.name||t.mkt_code =t3.name||t3.mkt_code
left join C
ON nvl(t.security2,t.security)||t.mkt_code =C.security||C.mkt_code
where nvl(t.security2,t.security)| is not null 
where rn=1

  • 写回答

3条回答 默认 最新

  • AllenGd 大数据领域优质创作者 2023-10-18 14:56
    WITH A1 AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN xxx THEN mktcode END AS mkt_code, A. FROM A ), 
         B1 AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN xxx THEN mktcode END AS mkt_code, B. FROM B ), 
         AB1 AS ( SELECT DISTINCT NVL(t.security2, t.security) AS securitycode, t.name, COALESCE(t.mkt_code, t1.mkt_code, t2.mkt_code, t3.mkt_code, t4.mkt_code) AS mkt_code, COALESCE(t1.sk_issue1, t1.sk_issue2, t2.sk_issue1, t2.sk_issue2, t3.sk_issue1, t3.sk_issue2) AS sk_1, COALESCE(t1.sk_issue1, t2.sk_issue1, t4.sk_issue, t3.sk_issue1, NVL(t.security2, t.security)) AS sk_issue 
         FROM A1 t 
         LEFT JOIN B1 t1 
         ON t.security2 || t.mkt_code = t1.security || t1.mkt_code 
         LEFT JOIN B1 t2 
         ON t.security || t.mkt_code = t2.security || t2.mkt_code 
         LEFT JOIN B1 t3 
         ON t.name || t.mkt_code = t3.name || t3.mkt_code 
         LEFT JOIN C 
         ON NVL(t.security2, t.security) || t.mkt_code = C.security || C.mkt_code WHERE NVL(t.security2, t.security) IS NOT NULL ), 
         AB2 AS ( SELECT securitycode, mkt_code, sk_issue, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY securitycode, mkt_code ORDER BY name DESC NULLS LAST, sk_1 DESC) AS rn FROM AB1 ) 
         SELECT securitycode, mkt_code, sk_issue FROM AB2 WHERE rn = 1;
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  • 系统已结题 10月27日
  • 已采纳回答 10月19日
  • 创建了问题 10月18日


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