I've been putting this off for a while as I just don't seem to have a clue with what I'm doing. I'm trying to use PHP and Curl to talk to the Barclaycard ePDQ MPI. I've done this before using the HSBC XML API but the Barclaycard ePDQ MPI seems to be giving me a few headaches. I have a form which posts card details/address details and the to a page that contains the following functions Please note that I have SSL set up on the domain, CURL is installed on the server, I had the HSBC XML API working just fine on the same box/URL.
function process_card($users_ip, $Temp_Order_ID, $User_NameX, $First_Name, $Surname, $Address_Line1, $Address_Line2, $Town, $Country, $Postcode, $CardNumber, $CardExpiryDate, $issue_node, $CardCVV, $totalCost ) {
if ($CardCVV == "")
$cvvindicator = 0;
global $status;
//$amount = $amount * 100;
$xml = '
<?XML version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<IPAddress>' . $users_ip . '</IPAddress>
<ClientId DataType="S32">12345</ClientId>
<Id>' . $Temp_Order_ID. '</Id>
<Email>' . $User_NameX . '</Email>
<FirstName>' . $First_Name . '</FirstName>
<LastName>' . $Surname .'</LastName>
<Street1>' . $Address_Line1 . '</Street1>
<Street2>' . $Address_Line2 . '</Street2>
<City>' . $Town . '</City>
<StateProv>' . $Country . '</StateProv>
<PostalCode>' . $Postcode . '</PostalCode>
<Country>' . getCuntCode($Country) . '</Country>
<FirstName>' . $First_Name . '</FirstName>
<LastName>' . $Surname .'</LastName>
<Street1>' . $Address_Line1 . '</Street1>
<Street2>' . $Address_Line2 . '</Street2>
<City>' . $Town . '</City>
<StateProv>' . $Country . '</StateProv>
<PostalCode>' . $Postcode . '</PostalCode>
<Country>' . getCuntCode($Country) . '</Country>
<Type DataType="S32">1</Type>
<Number>' . $CardNumber . '</Number>
<Expires DataType="ExpirationDate" Locale="826">' . $CardExpiryDate . '</Expires>
' . $issue_node . '
<Cvv2Indicator>' . $cvvindicator . '</Cvv2Indicator>
<Cvv2Val>' . $CardCVV . '</Cvv2Val>
<Total DataType="Money" Currency="826">' . $totalCost . '</Total>
<CardholderPresentCode DataType="S32"></CardholderPresentCode>
<PayerSecurityLevel DataType="S32"></PayerSecurityLevel>
$url = "https://secure2.epdq.co.uk:11500";
$params = array("CLRCMRC_XML" => $xml);
$params = formatData($params);
$response = post_to_epdq($url, $xml);
$auth_code = strstr($response, "<AuthCode>");
echo "auth_code=" . $auth_code;
if ($auth_code <> "") {
$splt = split("</AuthCode>", $auth_code);
$status = strip_tags($splt[0]);
return $xml . "<hr/>" . $response . "Good";
} else {
$error = strstr($response, "<Text>");
$splt = split("</Text>", $error);
$status = strip_tags($splt[0]);
return $xml . "<hr/>" . $response . "Bad";
function post_to_epdq($url, $data) {
$output = array();
$curlSession = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curlSession, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curlSession, CURLOPT_PORT, 443);
curl_setopt($curlSession, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($curlSession, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curlSession, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
curl_setopt($curlSession, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curlSession, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60);
#$response = split(chr(10),curl_exec ($curlSession));
$response = curl_exec($curlSession);
if (curl_error($curlSession)) {
$this->error = curl_error($curlSession);
return "ERROR";
return $response;
function formatData($data) {
$output = "";
foreach ($data as $key => $value)
$output .= "&" . $key . "=" . urlencode($value);
$output = substr($output, 1);
return $output;
Needless to say I validate the user input, generate their IP and determine a country code, I then call the above function:
process_card($users_ip,$Temp_Order_ID,$User_NameX,$First_Name,$Surname,$Address_Line1,$Address_Line2,$Town,$Country,$Postcode,$CardNumber, $CardExpiryDate, $issue_node, $CardCVV, $totalCost );
I don't get a response? I'm unsure if the port and url items are incorrect or if the whole CURL request is wrong. Nothing is returned from the request.
Sorry about this being a long post but this is really doing my head in!
Has anyone done this before?