dplsnw7329 2017-07-20 14:29
浏览 73

Laravel googlemapper包,无法从配置文件中获取变量,“需要Google Maps API密钥。”错误

I was using your plugin these days trying to implement a googlemap on my site. I followed all installation steps and set a variety of variables. I am on laravel 5.4.

I stuck in this error: "Google maps API key is required.". Even I try to hard set the API in your core function, then it throws another error says "region is required". seems like the config file cannot be reached. I also tried to fix the file permissions, but unfortunately that's not the issue. Do you have any ideas about this? This is part of my controller file

use Cornford\Googlmapper\Mapper;
use Cornford\Googlmapper\Facades\MapperFacade;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

public function index(Mapper $mapper)
    $firstMapItem = reset($mapArrays);
    $firstMapItem->latitude, $firstMapItem->longitude,
        'zoom' => 10,
        'markers' => ['title' => 'My Location', 'animation' => 'DROP'],
        'clusters' => ['size' => 10, 'center' => true, 'zoom' => 20]

    // Add information window for each address
    foreach ($mapArrays as $mapArray) {
        $mapper->marker($mapArray->latitude, $mapArray->longitude);


Route::get( '/map', 'MapController@index');


<div style="width: 100%; height: auto;">
    {!! Mapper::render() !!}

BTW, I already changed the API value there, my problem is this API value has not been referenced. But if I move the Mapper function from the controller to the Route file, everything is fine. But if I do what I did as above, the API value from the googlmapper.php file isn't referenced.

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  • doukong9316 2017-07-21 14:51

    Finally, make it works. Not because of the API issue, the API has been correctly placed. change

    use Cornford\Googlmapper\Mapper;


    use Mapper;

    Very simply Facades things I think. credit to @zubinkadva on GitHub. Also the package author @bradcornford also mentioned

    "however for reference you can also use the following:

    use Cornford\Googlmapper\Facades\MapperFacade as Mapper; "

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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