dprc88435 2019-06-23 16:20
浏览 178

Laravel - 在中间件中测试独特的cookie创建

I have a middleware that creates cookies for guest users and I'm struggling to test it. This is my middleware's handle function:

public function handle($request, Closure $next)
  $guestCookieKey = 'guest';

  if ($request->cookie($guestCookieKey)) {
    return $next($request);

  return $next($request)->cookie($guestCookieKey, createGuestCookieId());

Testing this on the browser works perfectly: when request hasn't this cookie, it creates a new one. When it does have it, we just forward the request chain.

The problem is while testing this. Here's what I'm doing:

namespace Tests\Feature;

use Tests\TestCase;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\WithFaker;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestResponse;

class GuestCookieTest extends TestCase
  public function testItCreatesOnlyOneCookiePerResponse()
    $firstResponse = $this->get('/');
    $secondResponse = $this->get('/');


The error shows diffs between the two values:

Failed asserting that two objects are equal.
--- Expected
+++ Actual
@@ @@
 Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie Object (
     'name' => 'guest'
+    'value' => 'eyJpdiI6InRSMUVOSEZESm5xblwvOUU3aHQweGZ3PT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6ImhjU1lcL2pJUU1VbGxTN1BJQTdPWXBBPT0iLCJtYWMiOiJmM2QyYjQ3NzU5NWU5Nzk2Yjg0Yzg4MmFlNGFmYTdkNThlNjZhNzVhMjE3YjUxODhlNzRkMjA0MWQzZmEyODM2In0='
     'domain' => null
     'expire' => 0
     'path' => '/'

It's like $this->get was not executed in the same environment (?), not preserving cookies set previously and creating unique calls and data for each call. This does make sense, but how would you test the creation of a guest cookie if no other with the same name is set?

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  • duanhan5388 2019-06-25 22:56

    Despite of knowing about E2E test and tools, I had no idea there was something like Laravel Dusk, which solved my problem.

    After installing Laravel Dusk, it creates a tests/Browser folder.

    I just had to create a test file like GuestCookieTest.php with the following content:

    namespace Tests\Browser;
    use Tests\DuskTestCase;
    use Laravel\Dusk\Browser;
    use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseMigrations;
    class GuestCookieTest extends DuskTestCase
        public function testItDoesNotOverwriteGuestCookieValue()
            $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
                $firstCookieVal = $browser->visit('/')->cookie(config('guest'));
                $secondCookieVal = $browser->visit('/')->cookie(config('guest'));
                $this->assertEquals($firstCookieVal, $secondCookieVal);

    Absolutely simple!

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