This question is geared towards anyone using Net Beans 8, or any newer version, and PHPUnit. I'm a little confused by which direction to go in and am wondering if anyone who has already done this can point me in the best direction.
I have setup PHPUnit and PHPUnit-Skeleton-Generator in my Net Beans 8.2 installation. I ran the demo in their documents and everything works as it is supposed to.
The demo from the Net Beans document creates a simple calculator class to add two numbers. You use the @assert notation in block quotes above the class with two values to be added and the expected result. The PHPUnit-Skeleton-Generator reads each @assert and creates a test script using PHPUnit for testing. All works as planned.
My next step was to find other more complicated examples to learn from. In that research, I find that PHPUnit-Skeleton-Generator is deprecated and the assert methods are different in PHPUnit.
My dilemma is, do I continue using it as Net Beans designed it with PHPUnit-Skeleton-Generator and @assert notation, or do I just manually write my tests based on the documentation on PHPUnit's website?
I know most will say to use the PHPUnit docs, and I can't say I disagree. However, I want to still see the results in Net Beans GUI per their documentation. If I ditch the Skeleton and manually write my tesets, will I still be able to use the Net Beans integration to run and utilize the tests?
If I must still use the Skeleton to be able to use the Net Bean integration, is there a good resource to learn how to use the skeleton? Are there other types of @asserts