dopuz8728 2016-01-29 16:16
浏览 55

PHP / Javascript - 发布具有唯一ID的数据

I have an dynamic form with a add more button which creates an XML file that can be used for importing data.

The user fills out the form and can click more to add as many as they want. The data is then written to create a file via fwrite.

The problem is i'm using unique ID's and i need to get the values in order to create the file.

Here's the javascript

$(document).ready(function() {

    Number.prototype.pad = function(size) {
      var s = String(this);
      while (s.length < (size || 0)) {s = "0" + s;}
      return s;

    var max_fields      = 10; //maximum input boxes allowed
    var wrapper         = $(".input_fields_wrap"); //Fields wrapper
    var add_button      = $(".add_field_button"); //Add button ID

    var x = 1; //initlal text box count
    var c = 9;

    $(add_button).click(function(e){ //on add input button click
        if(x < max_fields){ //max input box allowed
            x++; //text box increment
            $(wrapper).append('<div><label><span>Template Id :</span><input   type="text" name="templateid'+x+'" id="templateid'+x+'"></label><label><span>UNC Path :</span><input type="text" name="uncpath'+x+'" id="uncpath'+x+'"></label><label><span>Username :</span><input type="text" name="username'+x+'" id="username'+x+'"></label><label><span>Password :</span><input type="text" name="password'+x+'" id="password'+x+'"></label><label><span>Name :</span><input type="text" name="scantoname'+x+'" id="scantoname'+x+'"></label><a href="#" class="remove_field btn btn-primary">Remove</a></div>'); //add input box

            <!--add input value to "how many" field-->
            $.each($('input[name="howmany[]"]'), function() {

            <!--add input value to "templateid" field-->
            $('input[name="templateid'+x+'"]').each(function() {

    $(wrapper).on("click",".remove_field", function(e){ //user click on remove text
        e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent('div').remove(); x--;

How do i post the data in PHP? I tried a bunch of stuff but its not working. :(

$templateid = @$_POST["templateid'+x+'"];
$uncpath = @$_POST["uncpath'+x+'"];
$username = @$_POST["username'+x+'"];
$password = @$_POST["password'+x+'"];
$scantoname = @$_POST["scantoname'+x+'"];

$f_data= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Group gid="000">
<groupName>Public Template Group</groupName>
<userName />
<notificationEmail />

The end goal is to get a file that looks like this:

<Group gid="000">
<groupName>Public Template Group</groupName>
<userName />
<notificationEmail />
<TemplateCount>bill crab</TemplateCount>
<Group gid="000">
<groupName>Public Template Group</groupName>
<userName />
<notificationEmail />
<TemplateCount>Mike crab</TemplateCount>';
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  • drk49438 2016-01-29 18:10

    Here'e a fully worked example, expanding upon what I mentioned earlier in my comments. Firstly, take note of the very different way I'm creating a new bunch of inputs when the user asks for them - I'm adding them all as elements, rather than as a text string. Secondly, I'm defining the fields I want in an array - this makes adding to or changing these fields very much quicker, easier and less error-prone.

    Next, you can see if you examine the generated html, that the inputs only have names, there's just no need to give them IDs in this case.

    Finally, you can see the PHP which simply echoes back the contents of the $_POST array.


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    "use strict";
    function byId(id){return document.getElementById(id);}
    function newEl(tag){return document.createElement(tag);}
    function newTxt(txt){return document.createTextNode(txt);}
    window.addEventListener('load', onDocLoaded, false);
    var nextIdToUseGlobal = 0;
    function onDocLoaded()
        addFormElems( byId('fieldContainer'), nextIdToUseGlobal++ );
    function addFormElems(fieldContainer, idToUse)
        var formItems = [
                            {type: 'input', name: 'ids[]', label: 'Template Id:'},
                            {type: 'input', name: 'uncs[]', label: 'Unc Path:'},
                            {type: 'input', name: 'usernames[]', label: 'Username:'},
                            {type: 'input', name: 'passwords[]', label: 'Password:'},
        formItems.forEach( formElemForEachFunc );
        fieldContainer.appendChild( newEl('hr') );
        function formElemForEachFunc(elem, index, list)
            var curField = newEl( elem.type );
            if (index == 0)                             // 0 since this is the index of the id field in the above array
                curField.value = idToUse;
            fieldContainer.appendChild( newTxt(elem.label) );
            fieldContainer.appendChild( curField );
            fieldContainer.appendChild( newEl('br') );
        <button onclick='addFormElems(byId("fieldContainer"),nextIdToUseGlobal++)'>Add new Scan Item</button><br>
        <form id='myForm' action='outputTest.php' method='post'>
            <div id='fieldContainer'></div>
            <input type='submit' value='Submit values'/>


        var_dump( $_POST );
        $numItems = count( $_POST["ids"] );     // get number of items in the ids array
        $ids = $_POST["ids"];
        $uncs = $_POST["uncs"];
        $users = $_POST["usernames"];
        $passwords = $_POST["passwords"];
        echo("You submitted $numItems items for scanning" . "<hr>");
        for ($i=0; $i<$numItems; $i++)
            echo "ID: $ids[$i]" . "<br>";
            echo "UNC: $uncs[$i]" . "<br>";
            echo "username: $users[$i]" . "<br>";
            echo "password: $passwords[$i]" . "<br>";
            echo "<hr>";
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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