ds342222 2014-10-02 20:34
浏览 227


So I'm attempting to authenticate my user's using Laravel's custom filters. I have my LDAP PHP script working and I have essentially plugged it in to my custom filter. However, I need to pass this script the username and password that the user enters on the log in screen; in other words, I need to pass my custom filter this username and password from the log in form.

Here is my code to help explain my problem:


Route::group(array('before' => 'ldapTest'), function() {
    Route::controller('apps', 'AppController', array(
        //named routes here


Route::filter('ldapTest', function()
    $username = //how do I get this?
    $password = //how do I get this?

    //LDAP logic goes here; assume $ldapConn and $userDN are properly initialized
    $userBind = @ldap_bind($ldapConn, $userDN, $password);

        Auth::login(//what goes here?  I want to access $username later on in applications);
        return Redirect::to('apps/home');
        echo 'Incorrect password';

From reading the documentation I understand you can pass parameters as strings to filters like so: Route::filter('ldapTest:400', function(), but I don't understand how I could use this to pass my username and password using what I assume would be Input::get().

How can I do this?

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  • dongwei3336 2014-10-02 22:27

    Actually you can pass parameters into your custom filter and in this case your filter should look like this:

    Route::filter('ldapTest', function($route, $request, $param){

    In your Closure the third argument will receive the parameter you passed in and it's $param, so you are able to pass it like this in your before filter:

    array('before' => 'ldapTest:someString')

    So, in the filter, the $param will contain someString but in your case that would be a bit different I think, because you want to receive the user inputs submitted through a form so to get those inputs you may use something like this in your filter's handler (Closure):

    $username = $request->get('username'); // Assumed that username is a form field
    $password = $request->get('password');

    Also you may use Input::get('username') instead of $request if you want but it'll be working with $request instance variable and I would prefer that to use.




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