I have a small page to check if a network share is up. To do so, the user can had a share in a txt file (easier than touching the code itself) and then the page will read the text file and check if its online or not.
But the probleme is, it doesn't work has expected. looks like it work only when I have 1 line in the text file
$handle = fopen("share.txt", "r");
if ($handle) {
while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
echo $line;
if (is_dir($line)) {echo $line ."is up";}
else {echo $line ."is down";}
} else {
echo "No text file has been found";}
and my share.txt contain
In that case, the page return only the last share as up and not all 3.
Any idea?
Thank you