douwen2072 2018-11-15 16:42
浏览 37


I can think of "foreach string replace" ways of doing this but feel that a regex replace method would be faster and more elegant, unfortunately regex is not my strongest thing.

I want to take a string like this

23 AB 5400 DE 68 RG

and turn it into

23AB 5400DE 68RG

The number of spaces between the digits and following letters is USUALLY one but could be variable.

I have this example, that is working to find the groups but how do I get rid of the spaces in the replacement?

This is the code generated by my attempt

$re = '/(\d+ +)(AB|DE|RG|DU)/m';
$str = '23 AB 5400 DE 68 RG
        33 DU 88 DE 8723 AB
        55    RG 76  AB  92 DE';
$subst = '\\1\\2';

$result = preg_replace($re, $subst, $str);

echo "The result of the substitution is ".$result;
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  • dougeqiang1619 2018-11-15 17:16

    Unless I'm missing something, it seems like it would be fine to disregard the digits and just replace any non-digits with spaces before them with the same text without the spaces.

    $result = preg_replace('/\s+(\D+)/', '$1', $string);

    i.e. match anything like " AB" and replace it with "AB".

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