What I am trying to do I do not know the proper name for it so I apologize if I have used the incorrect terminology.
Here is a basic example of what I am trying to achieve:
$arrayData = (4,5,6,7,8,9,10);
$public function setArray($colNum){
$i = 0;
while($i < count($arrayData){
Here is where I don't know what to do. I want $colNum to set the number of columns in the new array. so
if $colNum = 4, then $arrayNew[$i][$i][$i][$arrayData[$i]
would then be set. Currently I have created multiple functions that each handle a different number of columns and that works, but it can range from 2 columns to 30 columns and I know there has to be a way to do it more efficiently.
Here's a working example of a 4 column Table (Code not optimized yet)
public function parseTable($tableHeader,$isMoney,$colNum) {
$tableData = $this->myArray;
$count = 0;
$placeHolder = 0;
while($count < count($tableData)){
// This hides the column headers
if($count > $colNum - 1) {
$col1Array[$placeHolder] = $tableData[$count];
$col2Array[$placeHolder] = $tableData[$count + 1];
$col3Array[$placeHolder] = $tableData[$count + 2];
$col4Array[$placeHolder] = $tableData[$count + 3];
$placeHolder ++;
$count = $count + $colNum;
// Remove the empty lines from the array
$col1Array = array_values(array_filter($col1Array));
$col2Array = array_values(array_filter($col2Array));
$col3Array = array_values(array_filter($col3Array));
$col4Array = array_values(array_filter($col4Array));
// Put the 0 back in the array
$col1Array = array_values(str_replace('~',0,$col1Array));
$col2Array = array_values(str_replace('~',0,$col2Array));
$col3Array = array_values(str_replace('~',0,$col3Array));
$col4Array = array_values(str_replace('~',0,$col4Array));
$count = 0;
$tableHTML = "<table class=\"table table-striped table-hover\" data-toggle=\"table\"
while($count < count($col1Array)){
// Replaces empty values with the text set when calling the function
if($col1Array[$count] == ""){
$col1Array[$count] = $emptyResult;
if($col2Array[$count] == ""){
$col2Array[$count] = $emptyResult2;
if($col3Array[$count] == ""){
$col3Array[$count] = $emptyResult3;
if($col4Array[$count] == ""){
$col4Array[$count] = $emptyResult4;
// Converts data into money if specified in the function
if($isMoney[0] == "Currency"){
if($col1Array != '0'){$colOne = money_format('%.2n', $col1Array[$count]);}
else{$col1Array = "$0.00";}
}else{$colOne = str_replace('0.00','0',$col1Array[$count]);}
if($isMoney[1] == "Currency"){
if($col2Array != '0'){$colTwo = money_format('%.2n', $col2Array[$count]);}
else{$colTwo = "$0.00";}
}else{$colTwo = str_replace('0.00','0',$col2Array[$count]);}
if($isMoney[2] == "Currency"){
if($col3Array != '0'){$colThree = money_format('%.2n', $col3Array[$count]);}
else{$colThree = "$0.00";}
}else{$colThree = str_replace('0.00','0',$col3Array[$count]);}
if($isMoney[3] == "Currency"){
if($col4Array != '0'){$colFour = money_format('%.2n', $col4Array[$count]);}
else{$colFour = "$0.00";}
}else{$colFour = str_replace('0.00','0',$col4Array[$count]);}
$tableHTML = $tableHTML . "
$tableHTML = $tableHTML . "
$this->tableHTML = $tableHTML;
$this->col1Array = $col1Array;
$this->col2Array = $col2Array;
$this->col3Array = $col3Array;
$this->col4Array = $col4Array;
$this->totalRows = count($this->col1Array);