I am doing a reset password for a site i just felt like doing, Ok So What I Am trying to insert a HTML 'A' Tag into my $message
Variable and show it in The Email i send out to where it will be a link
For Example:
$to = $torecoveremail;
$subject = "You Forgot Your Password At: " . $title;
$message = "
Your Username: " . $recoverusername . "
Your Email: " . $recoveruseremail . "
Your First Name: " . $recoveruserfname . "
Your Last Name: " . $recoveruserlname . "
Reset Password Follow This Link:
<a href=\"yourphotomake.info/shiylohs/cms/admin432/passreset.php?id=" . $passresetid . "\">Reset Password</a> ";
mail($to, $subject, $message);
and the out put from the email that is sent is:
Your Username: ben
Your Email: ben@tvstartup.com
Your First Name: ben
Your Last Name: ben
Reset Password Follow This Link:
<a href="yourphotomake.info/shiylohs/cms/admin432/passreset.php?id=15">Reset Password</a>
And what I want the email out put to be is this:
Your Username: ben
Your Email: ben@tvstartup.com
Your First Name: ben
Your Last Name: ben
Reset Password Follow This Link:
Reset Password
Thank You A Lot