I'm learning PDO, and finding it tricky to make sure my statements work correctly. I have a PHP function which is updating my database by simply adding the number 1 to the total.
function add_rating($place_id,$rating_id) {
//make $db accessible inside the function
global $db;
// query v1
$sql = "UPDATE places_ratings SET ? +1 WHERE place_id=?";
$q = $db->prepare($sql);
I tried variations of this, none of which I could get to work. I don't know if I was using question marks wrong. I was following this guide and also a previous SO question. In the end I tried a different method which worked first time, so I am tempted to re-use it as it also seems a lot simpler.
function add_rating($place_id,$rating_id) {
//make $db accessible inside the function
global $db;
// query v2
$query = "UPDATE places_ratings SET $rating_id = ($rating_id +1) WHERE place_id = $place_id";
$update = $db->query($query);
My question is: which statement is better/safer? And secondly, what am I doing wrong with the first version with question marks? Thanks...