dongshicuo4844 2014-01-13 11:33
浏览 137


For example there are 3 tables:

  • products
  • product_images
  • product_specs

And there are one-to-one relationships in models of this 3 tables.

By showing 50 products on page - it get more +2 extra queries inside cycle, so in total there are 150 rows and cool object:

$products = Products::find();
foreach ($products as $product)

Or just create custom method in Products Model and JOIN all necessary tables:

$products = Products::getComplete();
foreach ($products as $product)

So, i'm wondering: is 1st practice is useful and don't make high load on MySQL daemon or slowing drastically php script execution time?

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  • douzong6649 2014-01-13 15:51

    Answer to your first question: that practice could be useful, but would depend on your exact implementation.

    But, you are right. Using built-in one-to-one relationship will query the related model each time it's referenced which is intensive. So:


    is a new query for each record.

    Fortunately, there is a better, more efficient way that achieves the same result - PHQL.

    Since a one-to-one is basically a joined table that is called up via a second query (when it really doesn't need to), you could accomplish the same thing by doing something like:

    $products =
        (new \Phalcon\Mvc\Model)
                "SELECT   products.*, product_images.*, product_specs.* ".
                "FROM     Products    AS products ".
                "JOIN     ProductImages AS product_images ".
                "ON = product_images.product_id ".
                "JOIN     ProductSpecs AS product_specs ".
                "ON = product_specs.product_id");

    which will only do a single query and give you the same information you wanted before.

    This is just one of those times where you have to identify expensive queries and choose an alternate method.

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