dqp4933 2016-05-27 22:40
浏览 69


I thought I understood this, but my program won't decrypt and says the key is wrong, so I realize I need help. I thought the algorithm went:


  1. Get user password P
  2. Call hash_pbkdf2 to stretch P into a key K_pass_1
  3. Call another key-stretching algorithm (I don't know which, haven't done this yet) to turn K_pass_1 into K_auth_1
  4. Encrypt data with K_auth_1 K_pass_1


  1. Get user password P
  2. Call hash_pbkdf2 to stretch P into a key K_pass_2
  3. as above
  4. Decrypt data with K_auth_2 K_pass_2

Is that not correct? (Edit: It turns out it is, but that was too high level - my problem was more specific.)

Edit: Here is my code:


$GLOBALS['key_size'] = 32; // 256 bits

class WeakCryptographyException extends Exception {
    public function errorMessage() {
        $errorMsg = 'Error on line '.$this->getLine().' in '.$this->getFile()
            .': <b>'.$this->getMessage().'</b>There was a problem creating strong pseudo-random bytes: system may be broken or old.';
        return $errorMsg;

class FailedCryptographyException extends Exception {
    public function errorMessage() {
        $errorMsg = 'Error on line '.$this->getLine().' in '.$this->getFile()
            .': <b>'.$this->getMessage().'</b>There was a problem with encryption/decryption.';
        return $errorMsg;

class InvalidHashException extends Exception {
    public function errorMessage() {
        $errorMsg = 'Error on line '.$this->getLine().' in '.$this->getFile()
            .': <b>'.$this->getMessage().'</b>Password verification failed.';
        return $errorMsg;

function generate_key_from_password($password) {
    $iterations = 100000;
    $salt = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($GLOBALS['key_size'], $strong);
    $output = hash_pbkdf2("sha256", $password, $salt, $iterations, $GLOBALS['key_size'], true);

    if ($strong) {
        return $output;
    } else {
        // system did not use a cryptographically strong algorithm to produce the pseudo-random bytes
        throw new WeakCryptographyException();

/** Encrypts the input data with Authenticated Encryption. We specifically use
 *      openssl_encrypt($data, 'AES-256-CBC', $encryption_key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv), where $iv is a 256-bit nonce
 *      generated with openssl_random_pseudo_bytes. Then we hash the output with bcrypt and prepend the hash and iv to
 *      the ciphertext to create an 'authenticated ciphertext' that can be fed directly into the my_decrypt method.
 * @param $data             string; The data to be encrypted
 * @param $encryption_key   string; A 256-bit key (which PHP reads as a string of characters)
 * @return string The authenticated ciphertext, with the format: $hash . $iv . $ciphertext
 * @throws FailedCryptographyException If there are errors during encryption
 * @throws WeakCryptographyException If the openssl_random_pseudo_bytes method fails to use a cryptographically strong
 *                              algorithm to produce pseudo-random bytes.
 * Note that in creating a hash for the ciphertext, we use bcrypt instead of sha2. In particular, the difference in lines is:
 * bcrypt: password_hash($ciphertext, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
 * sha2: hash_hmac('sha256', $ciphertext, $auth_key, true);
 * And we chose this despite the fact that sha2 is the only acceptable hashing algorithm for NIST, because:
 * 1. bcrypt is also widely considered a cryptographically secure hashing algorithm.
 * 2. sha2 is not supported by PHP 5's password_hash method and bcrypt is.
 * 3. PHP's password_verify method uses a hash created by the password_hash method and compares hashes in a way that is
 *      safe against timing attacks. There is no known way to make this comparison for other hashes in PHP.
function my_openssl_encrypt($data, $encryption_key) {
    $iv_size = 16; // 128 bits to match the block size for AES
    $iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($iv_size, $strong);
    if (!$strong) {
        // system did not use a cryptographically strong algorithm to produce the bytes, don't consider them pseudo-random
        throw new WeakCryptographyException();

    $ciphertext = openssl_encrypt(
        $data,                // data
        'AES-256-CBC',        // cipher and mode
        $encryption_key,      // secret key
        OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,     // options: we use openssl padding
        $iv                   // initialisation vector
    if (!$ciphertext) {
        $errormes = "";
        while ($msg = openssl_error_string())
            $errormes .= $msg . "<br />";
        throw new FailedCryptographyException($errormes);

    $auth = password_hash($ciphertext, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
    $auth_enc_name = $auth . $iv . $ciphertext;

    return $auth_enc_name;

/** Decrypts a ciphertext encrypted with the method my_openssl_encrypt. First checks if the hash of the ciphertext
 *      matches the hash supplied in the input ciphertext, then decrypts the message if so. We specifically use
 *      openssl_decrypt($enc_name, 'AES-256-CBC', $encryption_key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv), where $iv is a 256-bit nonce
 *      stored with the ciphertext.
 * @param $ciphertext       string; An authenticated ciphertext produced by my_openssl_encrypt
 * @param $encryption_key   string; A 256-bit key (which PHP reads as a string of characters)
 * @return string           The decrypted plaintext
 * @throws FailedCryptographyException If there are errors during decryption
 * @throws InvalidHashException If the password hash doesn't match the stored hash (this will almost always happen when
 *                                any bits in the ciphertext are changed)
function my_openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, $encryption_key) {
    // verification
    $auth = substr($ciphertext, 0, 60);
    $iv = substr($ciphertext, 60, 16);
    $enc_name = substr($ciphertext, 76);

    if (password_verify($enc_name, $auth)) {
        // perform decryption
        $output = openssl_decrypt(
        if (!$output) {
            $errormes = "";
            while ($msg = openssl_error_string())
                $errormes .= $msg . "<br />";
            throw new FailedCryptographyException($errormes);
        return $output;
    } else {
        throw new InvalidHashException();

// Testing
function testEnc($message)
    $encryption_key = generate_key_from_password("123456");
    $auth_ciphertext = my_openssl_encrypt($message, $encryption_key);

    $encryption_key = generate_key_from_password("123456");
    $plaintext = my_openssl_decrypt($auth_ciphertext, $encryption_key);

    echo "<p>Original message: " . $message .
        "</p><p>Encryption (hex): " . bin2hex($auth_ciphertext) .
        "</p><p>Plaintext: " . $plaintext . "</p>";

    echo "<p>Bytes of input: " . (strlen($message) * 2) .
        "<br />Bytes of ciphertext: " . (strlen($auth_ciphertext) * 2) . "</p>";
echo '<p>Test 1: ';
testEnc('Hello World');
echo '</p>';
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  • dongwo5686 2016-05-31 14:53

    The problem is in the function:

    function generate_key_from_password($password)

    the line:

    $salt = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($GLOBALS['key_size'], $strong);

    The same salt needs to be used in order to derive the same key.

    A salt needs to be created outside of the generate_key_from_password function and passed in and it needs to be the same salt for encryption and decryption. This is usually done by creating a salt in the encryption function, passing it into the PBKDF2 function and prepending the salt to the encrypted output in the same manner as the iv. Then the same salt is available to the decryption function.

    It is little things like this that make using encryption securely difficult. See RNCryptor-php and RNCryptor-Spec for an example that also includes authentication, the iteration count and a version.

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