douleng0794 2015-07-16 02:31 采纳率: 0%
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I am very basic new php learner, i having difficulty to get nested array value, here is my json result:

stdClass Object
[title] => Aao Raja - Gabbar Is Back | Chitrangada Singh
[link] => stdClass Object
        [22] => Array
                [0] =>,expire,id,ip,ipbits,itag,lmt,mime,mm,mn,ms,mv,nh,pl,ratebypass,source,upn&key=cms1&sver=3&expire=1437035009&upn=9lTw9Popb18&ratebypass=yes&source=youtube&lmt=1432539432699196&fexp=901816%2C9407809%2C9408142%2C9408420%2C9408710%2C9409172%2C9412774%2C9412846%2C9413149%2C9415664%2C9415958%2C9416126%2C9416370%2C9416656&ipbits=0&signature=3547894526817B37774A7838F8B68493CDD62101.3F143C74D76E8705800445A4CD4476C4F8BCD988&cms_redirect=yes&mm=31&mn=sn-aigllnsk&ms=au&mt=1437013301&mv=m&nh=IgpwcjAzLmxocjE0KgkxMjcuMC4wLjE&utmg=ytap1
                [1] => 
                [2] => hd720

        [43] => Array
                [0] =>,expire,id,ip,ipbits,itag,lmt,mime,mm,mn,ms,mv,nh,pl,ratebypass,source,upn&key=cms1&sver=3&expire=1437035009&upn=9lTw9Popb18&ratebypass=yes&source=youtube&lmt=1428933984759484&fexp=901816%2C9407809%2C9408142%2C9408420%2C9408710%2C9409172%2C9412774%2C9412846%2C9413149%2C9415664%2C9415958%2C9416126%2C9416370%2C9416656&ipbits=0&signature=266C126464ECDB4CC0FF076CD41F07BCC4DA7E34.08D9F13B7BF7D92FD1E1963336CC7FB8F19FE899&cms_redirect=yes&mm=31&mn=sn-aigllnsk&ms=au&mt=1437013301&mv=m&nh=IgpwcjAzLmxocjE0KgkxMjcuMC4wLjE&utmg=ytap1
                [1] => 
                [2] => medium

I can access the Title, but can't access the Link urls:

echo $title = $json->{'title'};

echo $link = $json->{'link'}->{'22'}->{'0'};

How can access the specific link array 22

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  • donglin1192 2015-07-16 02:43

    This echo $title = $json->{'title'}; works because you are accessing an object's property and using -> is the correct way. In this case $json->{'link'}->{'22'}->{'0'} you are trying to access an array item instead an object's property, because $json->{'link'}->{'22'} is an array and not an object. In this case, you should access it in this way: $json->{'link'}->{'22'}[0]. In order to avoid this kind of issues and, when you decode your JSON to a PHP object, you can pass true as a second parameter to the function json_decode and that will convert the whole object into an array. That way, you don't need to worry about accessing elements as object's attributes, you can access them, always, as array items. So, in this case, it would be: $json["link"]["22"][0].

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