I tried to run Travis-ci with Laravel 5.2 several times, but nothing works for me. I can run phpunit locally and it works, but not in travis.
My current travis.yml:
language: php
- 5.5
- 5.6
- 7.0
#- hhvm
#- nightly
sudo: required
- mkdir bootstrap/cache
- mkdir storage
- mkdir storage/framework
- mkdir storage/framework/cache
- sudo chmod -R 777 bootstrap/cache
- sudo chmod -R 777 storage
#- cp .env.travis .env
- composer self-update
- composer install --no-interaction
#- php artisan key:generate
- vendor/bin/phpunit
The latest error in travis is a failed request to [http://localhost]. Received status code [500]. Caused by exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with message 'Please provide a valid cache path.' in /home/travis/build/Saibamen/laravel5-travis/bootstrap/cache/compiled.php:15392
All commits and travis logs are here: click