douhui5529 2011-04-28 17:55 采纳率: 100%
浏览 26


I have created a real estate search function where in the user will input the price range. I have put two select fields to minimize user error, one for the minimum price and the other for maximum price. I want to utilize a dynamic form to further minimize entry error.

For example, the minimum price select has the following values:

  • $100k (default)
  • $200k
  • $300k
  • $400k
  • $500k
  • $600k
  • $700k
  • $800k
  • $900k
  • $1M

While the maximum price select has the same as above but without $100k and with additional $2M+, with a default value of $200k.

What I want to happen is to have a function that will not only validate the entry on-page but also dynamically change the select options for the maximum price. So when the user selects a minimum price, the maximum price field options will not display the selected minimum price and below.

So at the start, if the user selects $500k minimum, the maximum automatically changes to $600k while removing from the options anything below it.

What's the best approach for this?

Thanks in advance!

Update: I followed Jake's answer and I can't make it work.

Here's the code of the form and script:

<form name="search" action="/search/" method="get">
<label>Price Range: </label>
<select name="min_price"> 
<option value="1">1M</option> 
<option value="2">2M</option> 
<option value="15">15M</option> 
<option value="20">20M</option> 
<select name="max_price"> 
<option value="2">2M</option> 
<option value="3">3M</option> 
<option value="30">30M+</option> 

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    var min = $(this).val();
        if (this.value <= min) {
        else {

I'm using wordpress and it has jQuery 1.4.4. How can I make it work? Is there an error on my html code?

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  • dongtangze6393 2011-04-28 17:59

    You can do this client side (in browser) using JavaScript. For example, with jQuery:

        var min = $(this).val();
            if (this.value <= min) {
            else {
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