I have a backup cron job that is supposed to run once a week. It works perfectly fine when I execute it on the command line, but it never executes in cron. My other cron tasks execute without issue. I assume it must have something to do with my options or incorrect syntax. Here is the cron entry in question:
10 10 * * 0 php ~/v2/symfony/symfony cc; tar -czf ~/backups/schroeder/v2/v2_site_backup_`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M`.tgz ~/v2/symfony | tee -a ~/log/weekly_backup.log
SOLUTION Turns out I needed to escape the % when inputting it my cron list. So the command that works is:
10 10 * * 0 php ~/v2/symfony/symfony cc; tar -czf ~/backups/schroeder/v2/v2_site_backup_`date +\%Y-\%m-\%d_\%H-\%M`.tgz ~/v2/symfony | tee -a ~/log/weekly_backup.log