I have been trying to insert data into a table in a mysql database. This data was sent with ajax using the POST method. However, when I try to insert it into the database nothing happens.
So here is the javascript function the sends the data to the php file.
addToCart: function(itemId,userId){
let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open("POST", "../E-CommerceCore/addToCart.php?
itemId="+ itemId + "?userId=" + userId, true);
Here is where it is being used. This is nested in a bigger function so thats where the book[i].Id comes from.
document.getElementById('add-to-cart').onclick = function(){
cartFunctions.addToCart(book[i].Id, '1');
So this takes an item id and a user id and stores them in a php variables here.
class Cart
public function addToCart($item,$user){
include 'connect.php';
$query = $bookStore->prepare("INSERT INTO cart SET item_Id=?, user_Id=?");
$cartManager = Cart();
$itemId = $_REQUEST["itemId"];
$userId = $_REQUEST["userId"];
This php file then runs the addToCart function which should insert it into the table. This is where I run into the problem because not data is inserted to the database when the user clicks the button. I use the connect.php file for another controller that selects from a different table in the same database, if that is an issue, and yes I have checked to make sure that the connection to the database is good. Any insight would be immensely appreciated. Please no jQuery solutions. Thank you for you time and effort.